Guitarras Calliope
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Guitarras Calliope
Über uns/ About us:
Modelo "José Feliciano"
"Modelo Orfeo" Meistergitarre Fichte (Modelo Kai Heumann)
"Modelo Orfeo", Meistergitarre Fichte mit "True Temperament" Bundierung
"Modelo Orfeo" Meistergitarre Fichte, fretless
"Modelo Orfeo" Meistergitarre Zeder
"Modelo Orfeo" Meistergitarre mit schmalem Zargen und Cutaway Fichte
"Modelo Orfeo" Meistergitarre Fichte
"Modelo Mike Reinhardt Signature" Cutaway, Fichte
"Modelo Orfeo" Zeder Cutaway, Joscho Stephan Signature
"Modelo Orfeo", Flamenca Blanca Cutaway
"Modelo Orfeo" Fichte
"Modelo Orfeo Zeder"
"Modelo El Mar"
"Modelo El Sur"
"Modelo El Sur" Cutaway Zeder
"Modelo Aphrodite" Fichte, mit kurzer Mensur und schmalem Griffbrett
"Modelo Aphrodite" Zeder, mit kurzer Mensur und schmalem Griffbrett
"Modelo Linus", Zeder. Kinderkonzertgitarre
Bassgitarre "Modelo Zephyr"
Cuatro Venezolano Modelo "Joropo"
German local Television at our place
José Feliciano with Guitarras Calliope
Gypsy Salsa mit Kai Heumann & Stochelo Rosenberg
José Feliciano & Friends Benefizkonzert
José Feliciano with his Calliope Guitar at the Royal Albert Hall, London. 24.11.17
Guitarras Calliope at Mount Olympus, Greece
Kai Heumanns Proyecto Guitarra Latina @ José Feliciano Benefizkonzert. Vienna
Kai Heumanns Proyecto Guitarra Latina with Special Guest Joscho Stephan & String Quartet. Caritas Concert. Zusammen sind wir Heimat
José Feliciano with his Calliope Guitar at the Polar Music Price
André Krengel with his upcoming CD and Guitarras Calliope
Guitar Workshop on Valentia Island, Ireland
Guitarras Calliope @ Dingle Folkfest
"Guitarras Calliope“ & Kai Heumann meet José Feliciano and Friends at Charity Event in Austria
Guitarras Calliope at our last concert in 2015
Guitarras Calliope with new Design
new bridges for our guitars
Guitarras Calliope introduces the Brand's new "Cuatro Venezolano", Modelo "Joropo"
Guitarras Calliope & Kai Heumann at the Jazzclub in Gevelsberg with Larry Coryell & Jermaine Landsberger Trio
The new Guitars have arrived, New Guitar Head Design
Guitarras Calliope at "Joscho Stephan Night" at the Jazz Club Hürth
Joscho Stephan's Acoustic Rhythm CD
Musikmesse: Kai Heumann @ Frankfurt 2013
Guitarras Calliope Review in "guitar acoustic" 1/13
Alessi Tuning Machines for Guitarras Calliope Models have arrived
Guitarras Calliope at the Hamburg Guitarfestival 26.10-28.10.2012
Inishowen Guitar Festival, County Donegal, Ireland. 2012-09-29
Dusty, the bottlenose Dolphin, with Kai Heumann. West Coast of Ireland. Another Muse...
Clonakilty Guitar Festival, Ireland. 2012-09-21
True Tempered Guitar
Angelo Debarre with Guitarras Calliope, Modelo Orfeo in Samois in his Café "Chez Fernand"
The Guitars without Cutaway and the bass guitar have arrived
Modelos Orfeo
House Warming Party
The guitars have arrived
Waiting for the new guitars
Concerts/ Workshops
Calliope at Frankfurt Music Fair 2011
Guitarras Calliope on Youtube
Modelo Orfeo - Meistergitarre - Rückseite unten
© UK 2012-2024
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